

this is a list of every person I can think of

a page on termites for you to peruse

michelle obama
she was the first lady... it's unclear to me if one retains their first lady status in the way a president might. more investigation needed
fish food
an unknown concoction, and yet you give it to your fish. Seems wrong to me.... who am I to judge I guess...

User Reviews

"Hey it's me, Michelle Obama from the White House... I just wanted to say I endorse this website and all the great information on here. It really makes me appreciate the internet and surfing the web."

Here's a great resource to fact check what I've said about Michelle. The RSPCA did a smear piece on me for being real about michelle but don't believe them.

here's a link to the part of the page where I mention michelle obama.


was the first day that michelle apologised to me for what she had done

wanna send an email to michelle?. it's worth a shot, right?